Wednesday, December 28, 2005


Today I am going out of town, I am going on a 6 hour car trip to mammoth lakes, california. Its going to be snowing and I am expected to get quite a bit of skiing in. I hope we don't get snowed in like last year, it took hours for a snow plow to dig us out. The snow was up to the second floor balcony, but it was so fluffy that if one tried to step in it, they'd fall into a 5 foot hole. The weather report says that it is supposed to snow for a long time, and I hope that the mountain is not closed due to a blizzrad. I have to go, but I have internet access at the condo and I will try to post another blog. KOT an' GMAS!


Sunday, December 25, 2005

Outcome of christmas!

I think I had the best christmas of all time this year. I got everything, I mean everything I wanted for christmas. I got a whole bunch of classical guitar records, frampton comes alive, some alman brothers, the who quad/tommy set, 3 eric clapton cds, A RECORDING STUDIO! (software, firewire interface, cords microphone... the whole enchilada!), 430 dollars which is going straight to the guitar fund and some pink floyd jammies (pj's). On top of all of that, I am alive. Thats a nice enough presant.I also made a pop filter out of new nylon panty hose. I wasin't going to pay 10 bucks on a pop filter... pah! I am messing with some effects on cubase, I'll cath ya'll later. KOT AND GMAS!


Friday, December 23, 2005


Today my dad finally got our family sattelite T.V. He had been thinking about ditching those amish (I heard that the owners were amish- don't know it for a fact) crooks over at adelphia for some time. I don't really care for TV as much as I used to. Now that I have found music, I have something better to do. Speaking of music, check this out!
That shows what songs I listen to on the computer. I wish it could show the songs I play on vinyl. Otherwise, there would be a lot more beatles and Queen listed.

Christmas is just around the corner and I just can't wait. I've got my shopping done and now I can just relax for a bit. I'll tell you how my christmas turns out. GMAS and KOT!


Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Better now.

Ahh I am finally better now. I was sick from friday until monday, which was not a very fun way to start my winter break. It feels so nice not having a fever.

Today was one of those days when you don't really want to go anywhere or really do anything. Just stay at home. I managed to clean up my room, which was a great feat. My closet was a really big mess, and I am glad that its gone.

My grandfather had surgery on monday for his hernia. I've been told that all went well. I should go visit him now that I am no longer sick.

Nothing to talk about, really. Fresh out of ideas.


Saturday, December 17, 2005

Extremely sick. Boo-hoo.

Sorry for not posting for a few days, I have been extremely sick for the past few days. I got a fever of 102.6 degrees, a sore throat, and it seems like I am constantly throwing up. It sucks really bad that I had to go to school to take my math final, but I did well and got an 82%. Now that I have a B average, I can finally start driving (not any time soon, however). I really hope this isn't the bird flu. Even if it is, I am going to beat it within a few days.

Oi, mikey! Honey does help the throat. Thanks for the remedy... I try to use natural substances to cure colds and whatnot. Egg nog also helps a little.



Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Smells like the holiday season...

Wow, what a great week so far. On sunday, my mother and I made some gingerbread men. It is a tradition that my mom has started, and she has been making hundreds year after year since the 80's I think. She always makes the same design, too. I proposed a new one, not that the one she has is bad, but it was quickly denied. She only uses green and red frosting, and chocolate chips for the eyes. I was on eyes duty. This year my mom even let me do the part of the green frosting- what a privilage! She has great pride in the gingerbread men, and I did not let her down.

I cannot believe that friday after school is the start of my winter break. This year has flown by so far, it seems like just yesterday that the school year began. The bad this is is that all of my finals are after "winter recess" except my math final, which means I have to study on my vacation. Yuck.

I have to go do some homework, so I have to call it a day. GMAS, and check my second review on my other blog.


Monday, December 12, 2005

New Blog!

Ok, I finally made a new blog about music I like. I write a review each week about an album I choose, feel free to go read it. I think you'll enjoy it. GMAS!


Thursday, December 08, 2005


Today was John Lennon's death day, 25th anniversary. It was cloudy and cold, it seemed to suit the occasion. Wore my Lennon shirt. All I can say is thanks, John. We all love you. Nothing else to say. I'm too sad.


Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Let It Bleed

I just got Let It Bleed by the Rolling Stones. It is one of the best albums I have ever listened to. I urge all of you viewers to go buy it ASAP or if you already have it, listen to it now. I can't say enough good things about this record. I love it. I was never that big of a stones fan, but I think I have fallen in love with their music. I also got Too Late the Hero by John Entwhistle. Another great album. Keith Moon's album was basically a let down. I like it, but it is not as good as I thought it would be. I think I need to listen to it over a few times, I expect it will be like the time I got Piper at The Gates Of Dawn by Pink Floyd, it just takes getting used to. Speaking of Pink Floyd, Atom Heart Mother is my new favorite album by the Pink Floyd. Summer '68 is my favourite track. A Night At The Opera by Queen is very good, but I don't think it is quite as good as the Jazz album. Just a lil' side-note: Freddie Mercury looked a bit funny without a mustache, huh. I love him the same, but I like the stash better than the clean shave. RIP Freddy.

Well, those are my albums of the week. If I buy an album a week, I figure I can write a review in my blog (More in depth than the one I just put, of course). As a matter of fact, I might make a separate blog for it all together. What a splendid idea. I'll post a review once or twice a week, so check in often!

Ohh yay I have LSD two weeks in a row! (late start day for the slow). It is also on my hard day which is very nice since I don't have to be in my jazz class as long as I normally am. It is thirty minutes shorter, I think. I never thought I'd say this, but hooray for LSD! Wow, I need to stop cracking those lame jokes... Thanks for reading! GMAS!


P.S. I cannot wait for the loop of the december 4th show, I still haven't seen it.

Friday, December 02, 2005


Ohh my this week seemed very very long. Thank goodness it is over and now I can finally get some sleep. Today was very nice, it rained and was cloudy. That's my ideal weather. It was on the cold side, but that it ok. I got some new batteries for the pedals my uncle gave me and fixed the one that did not work. It sounds very nice. Sometime this weekend I am going to a friend's house to jam. I can't wait. Well I have to cut it short because I have a doctor's appointment (eww, on a friday) because of my athsma. It isn't severe, but it will make a difference when I start playing basketball again. Sorry, I have to go now! GMAS!
