Hooray! today is my 60th post. I thought I'd celebrate.
On sunday, it was my grandfather's 90th birthday. He has been having back problems and he has recently (semi) recovered from shingles and gall bladder surgery. He was very happy, all of my cousins and I gave him an album full of photos and stuff written about memmories we had. It cheered him up, and it seemed like he had no pain for a while. He also got a video iPod. I am really jelous, he is 75 years older than me and he has an iPod. I am really out of the technology loop. I was very happy though, I got 75 dollars for my birthday from relatives that will be put into the guitar fund. I got all B's and A's so I am expecting a guitar. If not, maybe a car or some money. I hope. The car thing is a slim to none chance. Nothing much happened besides that, so I am going to bed now, I'll post tomorrow I hope.
P.S. Mr. Townshend's blog is really fun. Even though everyone else is smarter than me.... hahah.
Tuesday, January 31, 2006
Thursday, January 26, 2006
Finals: Day Two
Today was much easier today class-wise. I had Spanish (part 2), Jazz, and P.E. I am nearly positive that I got an A on the spanish final. In Jazz, we sight read a few charts and did some busy work around the band room (organize equipment, clean, organize music). Later on in P.E., I found out that I diddin't have to run the mile to maintain an A+ because I did a lot of extra credit during the beginning of the year. That was nice, because I knew I diddin't have a ride home, and I would have had to walk 2-3 miles. So, I went to carl's jr (a burger joint) with my friend allen. After that, I went to his house and we played video games and guitar. He tought me a drill and some tips that allow me to play notes faster on guitar. It has helped a lot, I just practiced it for an hour and I am seeing results. I really want to give my fingers strength and agility so I can become a better guitar player overall. My fingers are aching, it seems they are getting faster and faster each time I play something. Gotta go practice some more! I'll play the strings 'til my fingers are raw.
P.S. My birthday is on 5 feb. I hope a new guitar arrives.
P.S. My birthday is on 5 feb. I hope a new guitar arrives.
Wednesday, January 25, 2006
Finals: Day One
Today was my first day of finals. I had to take history and english today. I got a score of 93% on my history final which raised my grade to an 85%, and I am not sure what I got on my english final. The english final was the hardest test I have had in my life. Thanks to my finals, I got out at 12:30.
When I got home, I started to record a little on a song that I have been working on. The sound so far is not very full; there are no drums, keyboards, acoustic guitar, bass or anything like that. I'll try to go buy some cheap midi keyboard soon. As of now, I have to use a metronome. I never realised how tedoius recording can be. It took me 2 hours for 45 seconds of music. So for every 182 seconds I spend recording, I get one second of complete sound. That's a little pain, but I guess I will have to deal with it. Music that is rushed never sounds good, so I know I must be patient to get the results I want. Once I have a few finished songs under my belt (I'll probably do summertime blues as one song), I will procede to make a myspace music account so all can hear my stuff. All this sitting around has made me sleepy. I'm gonna go have a siesta (nap). KOKO.
When I got home, I started to record a little on a song that I have been working on. The sound so far is not very full; there are no drums, keyboards, acoustic guitar, bass or anything like that. I'll try to go buy some cheap midi keyboard soon. As of now, I have to use a metronome. I never realised how tedoius recording can be. It took me 2 hours for 45 seconds of music. So for every 182 seconds I spend recording, I get one second of complete sound. That's a little pain, but I guess I will have to deal with it. Music that is rushed never sounds good, so I know I must be patient to get the results I want. Once I have a few finished songs under my belt (I'll probably do summertime blues as one song), I will procede to make a myspace music account so all can hear my stuff. All this sitting around has made me sleepy. I'm gonna go have a siesta (nap). KOKO.
Monday, January 23, 2006
Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World
Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World is one of the best movies I have seen in a while. I watched it today for the 2d time. Russel Crowe did a good job acting and the plot was very good. If you have the chance, go rent it.
Friday, January 20, 2006
Imagine my strange expirence
Imagine there's no Heaven
It's easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people
Living for today
Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace
You may say that I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will be as one
Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world
You may say that I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will live as one
-John Lennon
I love that song. It has been in my head for a while and I wanted to post the lyrics for no particular reason.
I had a weird dream a few days ago, and I can't believe that I remembered it. Good thing I am going to document it. There were hundreds of thousands of people in this enormous coliseum and everything was white except skin tone and hair color. I was sitting in the very last row in the corner and I was so far away that I couldin't tell what was going on. It was completely silent and there was no back rest or anything behind me, it was just a sheer drop off. There was this guy next to me with a small vial of black dye, and he opened it and started to pour it on my perfectly white shoes. I asked him to stop it, while breaking the silence, but he gave me a puzzled look as if he didn't understand a word I said. Then he continued to pour it, so I gave him a nudge and he fell off. I looked over the edge and I saw him fall into a slowly flowing river. He quickly went out of sight, and as I looked at the water, there were thousands of bombs and torpedoes swimming in the water like a large school of fish. They swam in unison, in zig-zags, swirls and circles. It was very odd. Then I looked back into the enormous stadium and found no one there. I was very sad, and I was yelling out for somebody. Then I woke up, and I had a really weird feeling in my gut. Like when it feels like your stomach hits the ground when you break something on accident or forget something important. But then I realised I was awake and everything was ok. I made sure to remember it, which is a hard thing to do.
Sorry for slacking on the blog, I have finals next week do I have been studying very much. Leave a comment, GMAS.
It's easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people
Living for today
Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace
You may say that I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will be as one
Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world
You may say that I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will live as one
-John Lennon
I love that song. It has been in my head for a while and I wanted to post the lyrics for no particular reason.
I had a weird dream a few days ago, and I can't believe that I remembered it. Good thing I am going to document it. There were hundreds of thousands of people in this enormous coliseum and everything was white except skin tone and hair color. I was sitting in the very last row in the corner and I was so far away that I couldin't tell what was going on. It was completely silent and there was no back rest or anything behind me, it was just a sheer drop off. There was this guy next to me with a small vial of black dye, and he opened it and started to pour it on my perfectly white shoes. I asked him to stop it, while breaking the silence, but he gave me a puzzled look as if he didn't understand a word I said. Then he continued to pour it, so I gave him a nudge and he fell off. I looked over the edge and I saw him fall into a slowly flowing river. He quickly went out of sight, and as I looked at the water, there were thousands of bombs and torpedoes swimming in the water like a large school of fish. They swam in unison, in zig-zags, swirls and circles. It was very odd. Then I looked back into the enormous stadium and found no one there. I was very sad, and I was yelling out for somebody. Then I woke up, and I had a really weird feeling in my gut. Like when it feels like your stomach hits the ground when you break something on accident or forget something important. But then I realised I was awake and everything was ok. I made sure to remember it, which is a hard thing to do.
Sorry for slacking on the blog, I have finals next week do I have been studying very much. Leave a comment, GMAS.
Sunday, January 15, 2006
Huzzah! I have a three day weekend due to martin luther king jr. day. On friday, my ear was hurting during jazz band (I sit right in front of the drumset and trumpets) and I had to cover my ear, But since my jazz teacher is basically a fucking jackass, he made me play or else he threatned me to fail. So I started playing, and I realised I couldin't hear out of my right ear after class. It was one of the scariest things that has happened to me and I was praying that it was only temporary. So I went home and cleaned it out and it just turned out to be all blocked up, but it was still hurting. It is fine now, I guess it was all temporary. Thank God, I've learned my lesson and now I am going to take good care of my ears. Later that day, I went over to my cousins and played computer games for abour 7 hours straight. It was weeks before I saw him last, so I was really happy to see him. On saturday, I had a basketball game. We only had 5 players, so I had to play the whole game. It was a lot easier than I had expected, but it was hard nonetheless. I scored 8 points and had over 5 rebounds. I played alright. I can't remember when, but some time during the game I got punched or elbowed in the kidney. It hurt really bad and I was pissin' blood after the game, but now I'm fine. It's just a bit bruised now. Today I just cleaned out my closet did laundry and tried out this new robot vaccum. It works well when there isn't much furniture. I told you that I got a recording studio for Christmas, but I am sorry to say that I will not have any music completed for a few weeks. I have finals to study for, and I don't have a drum machine so I can't lay down any beats. I have a few ideas recorded, but I also need a keyboard or a piano for that. Just wait until my finals are over, there will be music done quickly. GMAS.
Thursday, January 12, 2006
Good. Veryyy good.
I don't know why, but this seems like the happiest I have been in my life. Like this year, not exact moment. There is nothing seriously wrong with my health (last year I had a sprained MCL, and I had a limp for over 6 months), I have good grades, I am going to get guitar lessons soon, I have sparked my musical career with the recording studio (I'll have some music done within a few weeks, I need a drum machine and a keyboard before I do any work), my friends treat me nicely, I've met some very nice people on the internet and I am just loving life. I know I am only going to be at this age once in my life, so I am taking advantage of it and I am livin' it up. This year has flown by, and it blows my mind to think that I am almost half way through high school. Spooky. As soon as I know it, I'll be out in the real world. I wish I could be a little kid again, when we had recess and nap time. When I was sheltered from all the bad things in the world and when life was so simple. When the biggest decisions in your mind were which crayon to color with or what disney movie to watch.Well, we haven't found the fountain of youth so I best not think about it too much. I hope this happy streak lasts forever, even though I know it won't. Ok, ok. Enough with all that happy-crappy.
This week has been very good, I am enjoying school for once. I am dropping jazz (I am still going to pursue jazz outside of school) and taking either phsycology or film appreciation for my second semester. I don't know which. I don't care too much now, I have plenty of time to think. I absoloutely love spanish, even though I have to wake up at 5:30 to get ready for it. My teacher is awesome, and I hope I have him next year for spanish II. At lunch today, my friend told me about life in Taiwan. He goes there every summer, and it sounds so nice. I hope I go there someday. I have to go now. KOKO, blah blah blah.
This week has been very good, I am enjoying school for once. I am dropping jazz (I am still going to pursue jazz outside of school) and taking either phsycology or film appreciation for my second semester. I don't know which. I don't care too much now, I have plenty of time to think. I absoloutely love spanish, even though I have to wake up at 5:30 to get ready for it. My teacher is awesome, and I hope I have him next year for spanish II. At lunch today, my friend told me about life in Taiwan. He goes there every summer, and it sounds so nice. I hope I go there someday. I have to go now. KOKO, blah blah blah.
Saturday, January 07, 2006

There is a picture of me on christmas day, I had to cut out some reletaves because they might be angry if I left them in. I love them, but I don't want to piss off anybody.

There is me with a jackasstic smile on my face, christmas eve.

Me an' my doc's on christmas eve. In my other earlier photos, you couldin't see my face so I thought I'd post a recent photo. My hair is a little longer though. Had to black out another relative.
Hope you enjoyed the pictures!
GMAS and KOT, KOKO etc.
Friday, January 06, 2006
Thank god it is friday, althought I only had four days of school, it felt like an eternity. In a few weeks I have finals, and I found out that on the 27th that I don't have to go to school. I don't have to go to school at 7, I already took my math final (so I won't go to that class), and for 6th period I have home study. That means I get friday off. Hooray, martin luther king jr. day is coming up and I get another day off. Enough about all that day off rubbish.
Yesterday night I had another basketball practice for the forst time in a few weeks. Our team scrimmaged 5 senoirs and we got killed. I am the tallest guy on my team and their tallest guy had 4 inches and about 60 pounds on me so I got "worked" by him. I still managed to get 8 rebounds and 8 points. I am still sore, it lasted 2 hours.
The other day I finally used my iTunes gift card and bought A quick one by the who and obscured by clouds by the pink floyd. Both of which I like, and I will write about one of them later. They cost 10 bucks apice, and now I only have 5 dollars left to spend. Its not enough to buy another album so I feel kinda bummed. I prefer buying songs by the album because I would have never herd the song heatwave, for example. You find songs that you never thought you'd like. I am going to go meet up with a friend and go jam at his house. I have to cut it short (once again) . I have had "Heatwave" by the who stuck in my head all day and I absoloutely love it. It is not very common to like a song stuck in your head. Well at least in my case. Rachel got a myspace, and I'm really happy. Before you know it she'll have an AOL screen name (I hope!).
P.S. If you do have a screen name for AOL, mine is imgoinmobile which is inspired by the song goin' mobile, one of my favorites. Keep on truckin'!
Yesterday night I had another basketball practice for the forst time in a few weeks. Our team scrimmaged 5 senoirs and we got killed. I am the tallest guy on my team and their tallest guy had 4 inches and about 60 pounds on me so I got "worked" by him. I still managed to get 8 rebounds and 8 points. I am still sore, it lasted 2 hours.
The other day I finally used my iTunes gift card and bought A quick one by the who and obscured by clouds by the pink floyd. Both of which I like, and I will write about one of them later. They cost 10 bucks apice, and now I only have 5 dollars left to spend. Its not enough to buy another album so I feel kinda bummed. I prefer buying songs by the album because I would have never herd the song heatwave, for example. You find songs that you never thought you'd like. I am going to go meet up with a friend and go jam at his house. I have to cut it short (once again) . I have had "Heatwave" by the who stuck in my head all day and I absoloutely love it. It is not very common to like a song stuck in your head. Well at least in my case. Rachel got a myspace, and I'm really happy. Before you know it she'll have an AOL screen name (I hope!).
P.S. If you do have a screen name for AOL, mine is imgoinmobile which is inspired by the song goin' mobile, one of my favorites. Keep on truckin'!
Monday, January 02, 2006
I'm back.
I finally got back from mammoth yesterday. I was up there with my mom, dad, aunt, uncle, cousin and their dog. I had 2 cousins that diddin't show up and I was kinda sad because they're really fun. The dog is named Missy, and she is one of the mellowest dog's I've seen. But sometimes she goes up to you and rests her head on yer leg with a pupy dog face asking for a scratch. I can't say no to those faces so I have to scratch her, but if I don't, she starts clawing and eventually gives up and goes to someone else. If I had a dog, I'd pray for one like Missy.
The first day I was up there, I went skiing and it was pretty fun. I had to get ski rentals because I grow too much each year so I can't have my own skis. They diddin't have boots my size anywhere so I had to cram my boats (feet) into U.S. 13s, 2 sizes smaller than what I normally wear. It was the biggest mistake of my life, and to make a long story short, my pinky toes are blue, not pink. The good thing is is that I only felt it after I was done skiing, it was so cold that I couldin't feel my feet. The mountian was groomed alright for the most part but I hit a deep patch of powder and my knee twisted pretty bad. that really hurt, but now its feeling a lot better.
The second day it was snowing really hard so we sat at home and watched Monty Python's Flying Cricus and some W.C. Fields movies. Both of which I enjoyed very much.
The third day we played monoploy all day, for about 6 hours actually. My dad and I won most games and I must say that my dad would make a decent salesman. Later that night (New Years) we went to a really fancy seafood restaraunt and I had some 30 dollar chilean sea bass. I think I found a new favorite fish. It is white like halibut, and it has a similar texture. Just succulant. Go try it viewers out there, it is the best type of fish that I have had.
Tomorrow I have to wake up at 6 in the morning for school. I know, it really does sound like fun. And for that reason, I am going to go to bed now. Give me a shout!
P.S. the internet access diddin't work up there so I could not make another post up there in mammoth. Sorry for neglecting my blog.
The first day I was up there, I went skiing and it was pretty fun. I had to get ski rentals because I grow too much each year so I can't have my own skis. They diddin't have boots my size anywhere so I had to cram my boats (feet) into U.S. 13s, 2 sizes smaller than what I normally wear. It was the biggest mistake of my life, and to make a long story short, my pinky toes are blue, not pink. The good thing is is that I only felt it after I was done skiing, it was so cold that I couldin't feel my feet. The mountian was groomed alright for the most part but I hit a deep patch of powder and my knee twisted pretty bad. that really hurt, but now its feeling a lot better.
The second day it was snowing really hard so we sat at home and watched Monty Python's Flying Cricus and some W.C. Fields movies. Both of which I enjoyed very much.
The third day we played monoploy all day, for about 6 hours actually. My dad and I won most games and I must say that my dad would make a decent salesman. Later that night (New Years) we went to a really fancy seafood restaraunt and I had some 30 dollar chilean sea bass. I think I found a new favorite fish. It is white like halibut, and it has a similar texture. Just succulant. Go try it viewers out there, it is the best type of fish that I have had.
Tomorrow I have to wake up at 6 in the morning for school. I know, it really does sound like fun. And for that reason, I am going to go to bed now. Give me a shout!
P.S. the internet access diddin't work up there so I could not make another post up there in mammoth. Sorry for neglecting my blog.
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