Ok, so I diddin't get my guitar yet. I was supposed to get it last week, but my dad was lazy and decided to watch the superbowl instead. So today I did 6 hours of math homework, because my dad threatned me by saying that I would not get my drivers license or guitar anytime soon. I did it, and finished by just before three in the afternoon. He then decided to check every problem, and he yet again weasled his way out of not taking me to get my guitar. He said I was doing some math wrong, but he was corrected yet again. he claims he is helping me by checking my work, but I think it would be better if I did it myself. He is learning from my mistakes, I am not. then he wanted me to sit with him and go over the few problems I had wrong, and I simply told him that I wanted to do it myself, I do not like that tone of voice and that I was not getting the respect that I deserve. It looks like he finally saw my point of view. That is what I hope.
Now I am not even going to try to estimate when I am getting my new guitar.I am barely keeping my cool, and I hope I don't just erupt with firey anger and sailor-like cussing. I can't bottle it up forever, you know?
But on a happier note, I played that game my cousin gave me called Age Of Empires III today. It is really fun. And I watched a little olympic action today, it looks great on the new TV that I got a few months ago.
KMC (Keeping my cool)