Monday, October 24, 2005

Broken needle

Today the needle on my record player broke. I cannot remember doing anything to it, but somehow the tip broke off. It was bound to be changed anyway, I think. It will be a pain looking for a new needle, I saw on one ebay for 50 bucks. Yeah, right. I don't have that kind of money.

I just got finished watching "The Motorcycle Diaries," which is about Che Guevara before he became a huge political icon. I did not know he was almost a doctor before he spread all of his revolutionary ideas. It is a very inspiring movie. Anyway, it is a great movie and I suggest everyone should see it, despite the subtitles.

I think thats all I have to say. Bye!


1 comment:

Karel said...

Hey Kevin,
Thanks for reminding me to see that movie. I wanted to see it when it came out but spaced it out. I totally forgot about it.