Saturday, July 08, 2006

Hello, there!

I'm back. Ive been busy (as always). I am taking Biology in summer school to get ahead. I have to wake up at 5 every day, but other than that my summer has been going well. I got back form Mammoth lakes on tuesday last week, I had a blast. I need to get my ass into gear with this blog, I have been slacking lately. More later.


1 comment:

Sam said...


hope all is good...

we'd probably end up doing the fake band thing and just keep our fingers crossed we get get away with it. me mentioning it on the world wide web is probably doing our cause no good!

i'd love to hear some of your music so when you get it up on myspace let me know.

when we come over to canada, we'd definitely look to flying to do some shows in LA. we did a feature in Music.TV magazine from LA recently so on the back of that we'd try and organise some gigs.
