Friday, October 28, 2005

New shoes.

Ahh, thank god this week is over. I am really tired. I spent 6 hours typing a 650 word essay and watching the motorcycle diaries, only to receive 5 extra credit points. I don't even think that is more than one homework assignment. Then some other kid turns his in, 300 words maximum one one page double spaced and he gets the same amount of points. Correct me if I am wrong, but I think I was ripped off. I should get at least get double the extra credit right? I put in much more effort and insight than he did. I do not se how anyone could sum up how they felt about that movie and what they were exposed to in 300 words. It is not possible.

Enough of that pointless ranting and raving. I have noticed that Christmas is right around the corner. I hope I don't get any golf stuff this year. My garage is full of it, and I haven't been able to play for a few months due to a knee injury, surgery on toes, a broken thumb and back pain. I got a new pair of shoes, this time they're 15.5s. I sure hope my feet stop growing soon or else I will need to custom order my shoes again. I am greatful that they finally have some shoes in my size. I was hitting at a simulator at Copeland's, (Where I got my shoes tonight) and it said I hit 288 yards. I had never hit that far in my life, so I might get into playing again. This time, without a cart. I need to shed a few pounds anyway. Over the summer, I gained 10 and I feel really unhealthy and gross. I am trying to convince my dad to join a gym which is what he is going to do (I hope).

Halloween is in a few days as well. This year, I am not letting anything get vandalized. Last year, the Durango was keyed. The year before that, the VW westfalia was egged and the paint was chipped off. The year before that, all of the windows on the Durango were shattered. This year, no fucking rich, snot nosed little shit is going to cost my family money. I am just going to sit in the driveway with a golf club or baseball bat or something with some music on after the trick-or-treaters are gone. It is going to be an all-night stakeout. I will have a camera on hand to get the license plate of the perpetrator of a crime if there is one. This time they'll pay. Literally.

I could write more, but I am tired. I will try to post tomorrow.


1 comment:

musicmikey said...

Good luck Kevin, you give them hell, I can't stand vandelism, maybe it's because our family didn't have much money, so I learnt the worth of things better, I would love to sit on your porch with you mate, hope everything goes alright. Keep on truckin'