Thursday, March 16, 2006


Not really much to say. I'll just describe today with you. Hope you viewers out there don't mind.

5:25- my usual starting time. Nowadays, I always wake up before my alarm sounds. I don't know how I do it, I wake up 5-10 minutes before the buzzer goes off. I think it is because I hate the sound of that buzzer on my alarm clock so damn much, I think my body clock adapted for 5 days of the week.

5:35- Got out of bed, immediately noticed how hungry I was, and had a typical breakfast of toast with butter and garlic salt on top (Po' boy's garlic bread) and an orange. I wish I had something more, but there was nothing interesting to eat in the pantry.

6:oh- Hopped in the shower, I always shower in the morning and at night so I don't get my sheets dirty and so my hair looks good in the morning. I wish I could find my comb, though.

6:35- clothes on and ready to go. Watching an episode of Monty Python's Flying Circus before I go out to school.

6:45- In the car going to school. It is really cold and the but-warmers in my moms seats are kicking in. Bless you whoever thought of that invention.

7:00- 0 period starts. Spanish class. We did some more crap that I already know. Identifying when to use ser or estar. How or feel or where you are, be sure to use the verb estar. Also did other stuff that relates to health. Estoy enfermo= I am sick.

7:50- Spanish class out. I went to the outdoor stage thingy, sat on the bench and read for a while, then went to Mr. Pickett's class.

8:40- Mr. Pickett's class starts. A girl in my class explained before class how she is on house arrest for getting drunk and hitting a cop. She is only allowed at home or at school, and even has the ankle thingy. Well, that is Agoura for you. We had a lecture about WWII and discussed the atomic bomb, Japanese internment camps, the holocaust, turning points in the war (ex. El Alamein, Iwo Jima) and the devastation the atomic bomb caused. It turns out the atomic bomb at that point in time was not that powerful compared to the ones today. The ones dropped on Japan only had a 2-3 mile radius of total destruction. But the part that was bad about the bomb was the radioactive fallout that was flung into the air after it had exploded. Radiation from the bomb can still be detected in Japanese people today. I feel really bad about that, but if you look at America's options in historical context at that point in the war, it was a good idea to drop the atomic bombs in my opinion. Not only did we save an estimated 1 million American lives, but also up to 5 million Japanese lives because we chose not to invade Japan. My teacher told us that in schools, they were training 7 year old boys how to kill Americans if we were to invade. That would have been terrible. I know, I know, you may be saying something like, "well we shouldn't have dropped the atomic bomb," and what I have to say to that is the following: It would have been a freakin' disaster having to invade Japan (or otherwise). It would be like having another D-Day invasion. Our president had to pick the lesser of two evils.

10:20- Nutrition. Didn't really do much, had a bagel.

10:40- P.E., We played hockey today. In our first game on the first play, the puck was passed to me on the face-off and I scored a goal on my first shot. It wasa pretty sweet, and I was kindly cheered on by my team mates. That was really fun. We won that game 1-0, lost the next game in a shoot out, 2-1 and then we won our last game 3-0. Goooood times.

12:30 ish- Lunch. Had some vitamin water and pizza. Allen and I discussed Friday, we were going to stock up on Dr. Pepper, Cadbury Creme Eggs and some burgers from Carl's. Perhaps a movie rent from Blockbuster. But I have to tell you a story about this pervert we saw while going to stock up two weeks ago. The week before my friend was walking home, and he saw this guy sitting by a tree. He said something like hello, the meadow is beautiful isn't it? My friend replied with a yeah, I have to go. And the guy said to stay and talk with him in a perverse manner and then my friend walked away. The week after, we saw the same guy going to rite-aid. He was staring at me with a wry pedophile grin on his face, and after we passed him I looked back and he was staring at me. Creepy. The next time I walk by him and I see him "eye-molesting me" or something otherwise perverse, I am calling the cops for sexual harassment. This guy has issues, and probably has a thing for boys.

1:30 ish- I have home study, so my dad picked me up to go home. When I got home, I watched some college basketball which was nice. I just sat around for a while.

7:45- Had dinner of pork, bean and spanish rice burritos. Yum.

8:15- Writing this post on my blog. Also chatting with friends.

Well, that is my typical day. I must go do some homework now. Give me a shout!


1 comment:

Suesjoy said...

Hi Kevin-
I found you via Rene's blog.
I have mixed feelings about the Atomic bomb...I guess nothing is ever black and white - and those stats do put everything in perspective...well one good thing that the atomic bomb led to: The Who and the magic of Pete Townshend! :)