Friday, November 18, 2005

My friend the Mantis.

Yesterday was an exciting day. When I came home from school, I noticed something on my dad's tire. As I looked closer, I could see it was a white praying mantis that was about 1 inch and a half long. They are pretty rare around where I am, I have seen only 2 in the wild previously. I picked him up and put him in a shrub right next to my garage and he has been there ever since. I hope he eats some of the spiders that make webs all over my side yard.

During my english class, we went to the computer lab and did a ROP (reigonal occupation program) survey. they showed the classes they offer, and the jobs that you may want. I am supposed to be a fisherman, ship captain or ship engineer. I would love to work at sea, but it showed that the employment for that job would go down 25% and the pay would go down. It is modest pay, but I would be happy with it.

Later that night I had a jazz concert. I had a solo and nailed it.

Today we had a huge discussion about American imperialism. I am normally not too interested in politics simply because I can't vote, but I really enjoyed it. Our whole class (like 35-40 kids) had to make a policy about foreign affaris. It turned out well, people agreed with my opinions and thoughts.


Justin Kreutzmann said...

Hey Kevin,

Sounds cool.

I sent an email to address you gave me...

Claire Eliza said...

I'm in jazz band at my school and I have a jazz concert coming up. I play tenor sax and I have a solo. I am uber nervous about how I'll do. Glad you did good on yours though!