Sunday, November 13, 2005

Pradtice turkey-day.

Sorry I did not follow up on my blog, I went over to my cousin's house again and slept over. We were playing computer games until 3:30 in the morning. There are two beds in the guest room. I slept in one and my cousin slept in the other, but when I woke up, I noticed he was sleeping in his room. I think he must have been sleepwalking, every time I sleep over he does that. Creepy.

My mom is practicing turkey cooking for thanksgiving. Lots of family members are coming over to eat and it should be a nice evening. Keep on bloggin'!



musicmikey said...

Hey Kevin, I find it all to easy to play computer games early into the morning, especially if I'm with my brother, its hard to stop, I used to play racing games for so long that I'd continue to see the race track when I closed my eyes. Scary stuff really. I hope you Mum does good with the turkey, we only have turkey for christmas. Have a great family party on thanksgiving, you could explain what it is, anyway, thanks mate, KOT or GMAS.

Justin Kreutzmann said...

ah, the Turkey run through..always important.

Sam said...


It's horrible when your team loses isn't it!

That was a particularly bad weekend. However it was better on saturday. The swans won and we've gone top of the league!!!

Hope everything is good in your world. All this talk of turkey is making me very hungry!

Take care
