Tuesday, November 29, 2005


Today was very nice. I had LSD (late start day), which means I start school at 8:40 instead of 7:00. I was there at 8 because that was the latest ride to school I could get. I don't really mind being there early, it was nice and quiet. Perfect for listening to music and doing some studying on a bench. Spanish was a lot more fun because everyone was more awake than usual and everyone participated more. I have a B+ in that class, but it will soon be an A. I have an 89.34%. So close. English went suprisingly well today also. I got 100% on a vocabulary test. I was assigned a 5 paragraph essay, which is about The Lord of the Flies. It is a very good book, but I think I would enjoy it more of we diddin't examine it closely and write stuff on it. It makes the book boring, bland, and redundant (in a sense that we read and re-read everything multiple times). But ther is a plus side, I can write it on any topic I choose. That makes things much easier. Jazz band was boring, as usual. The music I play is so elementary, in the key of Bb, 4/4 time, and a swing beat at 120 beats per minute. All of the songs are starting to sound the same to me and next class I am being graded on a song I knew how to play the second or third time I have looked at it. I am thinking about dropping that class to do independent study music, where I can just go into a practice room and play guitar and/or trombone for an hour and a half. That would be nice, then I would be able to teach myself to read music on guitar and to work on chords, scales, and theroy while still ebing able to play some of the trombone stuff that my teacher is having me learn. Plus, "Mose" (I don't want to say his real name), the teacher of the orchestra, both choirs, wind ensemble and the Ellington band (a jazz band that only plays duke ellington music) has a break during that time so if I need help for any reason, I can ask him. I like him, he actually teaches us and helps us improve instead of telling us to do something without any useful help or relevant suggestions on how to play our music. The teacher I have now is an idiot, we have 2 trombones, 5 trumpets, and about 8 saxophones and wonders why he can't hear any trombones. Hmm maybe it is because we are outnumbered like hell. He constantly tells us that we are going to be tested on something, wether it be a scale, intervals, a chart or solo, and never lives up to his word. Now that I have vented my anger, I can talk about other things. Math was easy today, we are starting a chapter and I already know about 90% of it. I should do well on the test. After school, I bummed a ride from my freind derek for a ride home. He's a nice guy, and he says he is interested in playing guitar. He is insanely good at violin, so I think he will catch on pretty quick. After I got home, I sat on the couch and watched a little T.V. and had my lunch (at 4:30). I ended up doing a lot of homework, which is why I am able to be blogging right now. I just realized that there are somewhere around 16 days of school until winter vacation. I cannot wait. I can't wait for the recording stuff and the clothes that I need very badly. I have grown about 3 inches this year and now some of my shirts are getting too small, including the one I got when I saw the Who at the Hollywood Bowl, August 9th 2004. I will never forget that day. Well, I hope all you bloggers are feeling as good as I am. Keep on truckin' and GMAS!


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