Wednesday, December 28, 2005


Today I am going out of town, I am going on a 6 hour car trip to mammoth lakes, california. Its going to be snowing and I am expected to get quite a bit of skiing in. I hope we don't get snowed in like last year, it took hours for a snow plow to dig us out. The snow was up to the second floor balcony, but it was so fluffy that if one tried to step in it, they'd fall into a 5 foot hole. The weather report says that it is supposed to snow for a long time, and I hope that the mountain is not closed due to a blizzrad. I have to go, but I have internet access at the condo and I will try to post another blog. KOT an' GMAS!



Kid Ric said...

Happy New Year to you my friend.

"Chat after the New Year" will take place on Sunday January 8th 2006 at 2pm Mountain time at BallerinaGurl's. Will be inviting special guests so you never know who will show up and make our time more enjoyable.

Peace, love and light.

Claire Eliza said...

I love snow while it's falling, but I don't like it when it's just there and it gets my feet cold and stuff.
Thanks for checking out my song, glad it worked.
- claire -