Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Finals: Day One

Today was my first day of finals. I had to take history and english today. I got a score of 93% on my history final which raised my grade to an 85%, and I am not sure what I got on my english final. The english final was the hardest test I have had in my life. Thanks to my finals, I got out at 12:30.

When I got home, I started to record a little on a song that I have been working on. The sound so far is not very full; there are no drums, keyboards, acoustic guitar, bass or anything like that. I'll try to go buy some cheap midi keyboard soon. As of now, I have to use a metronome. I never realised how tedoius recording can be. It took me 2 hours for 45 seconds of music. So for every 182 seconds I spend recording, I get one second of complete sound. That's a little pain, but I guess I will have to deal with it. Music that is rushed never sounds good, so I know I must be patient to get the results I want. Once I have a few finished songs under my belt (I'll probably do summertime blues as one song), I will procede to make a myspace music account so all can hear my stuff. All this sitting around has made me sleepy. I'm gonna go have a siesta (nap). KOKO.


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