Thursday, January 12, 2006

Good. Veryyy good.

I don't know why, but this seems like the happiest I have been in my life. Like this year, not exact moment. There is nothing seriously wrong with my health (last year I had a sprained MCL, and I had a limp for over 6 months), I have good grades, I am going to get guitar lessons soon, I have sparked my musical career with the recording studio (I'll have some music done within a few weeks, I need a drum machine and a keyboard before I do any work), my friends treat me nicely, I've met some very nice people on the internet and I am just loving life. I know I am only going to be at this age once in my life, so I am taking advantage of it and I am livin' it up. This year has flown by, and it blows my mind to think that I am almost half way through high school. Spooky. As soon as I know it, I'll be out in the real world. I wish I could be a little kid again, when we had recess and nap time. When I was sheltered from all the bad things in the world and when life was so simple. When the biggest decisions in your mind were which crayon to color with or what disney movie to watch.Well, we haven't found the fountain of youth so I best not think about it too much. I hope this happy streak lasts forever, even though I know it won't. Ok, ok. Enough with all that happy-crappy.

This week has been very good, I am enjoying school for once. I am dropping jazz (I am still going to pursue jazz outside of school) and taking either phsycology or film appreciation for my second semester. I don't know which. I don't care too much now, I have plenty of time to think. I absoloutely love spanish, even though I have to wake up at 5:30 to get ready for it. My teacher is awesome, and I hope I have him next year for spanish II. At lunch today, my friend told me about life in Taiwan. He goes there every summer, and it sounds so nice. I hope I go there someday. I have to go now. KOKO, blah blah blah.


1 comment:

Claire Eliza said...

Hey Kevin, sorry about the CD player, I guess you will have to get an iPod!
Great pictures, you do look happy.
Love your White Album shirt. Fabulous.
I am glad you are having a great life lately Good to hear people say that.